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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Woman at the well: John 4:1-30

V-4 he must needs go through Samaria
1 People of samurai 2 why did he need to go
Rejects Seeker
V-7 he ask give me to drink
Shows his humanity, to give us his divinity
We must see him as Jesus, to receive him as Christ.
His humanity is under attack/movies/books
V-8 why do u ask me for water?
Jesus is always asking sinners to take a look at him.
V-11 you have nothing to draw with!
The first thing a sinner does when they see what Jesus did on cross, is ask how does that help me.
V-14 ask and you will never thirst again.
A well springs up inside of you refreshing you
V-15 she ask GIVE ME THE WATER
Jesus answers NO or go tell your husband
What he is saying is repent first.
Easy believe-ism today, but you must repent
V-18 Jesus has a way of letting us know who we are
Remember asking Jacob what his name was? Or Peter he would deny him?
V-19 she started to get it.
V-22 you worship you know not what
The world worships, rock stars, ball players, politicians, preachers, money.
V-25 I know messiah cometh
The world believes, but Jesus is the only way to heaven.
V-26 I AM HE
V-28 she left her water pot
Perhaps she forgot it a lot of things get forgot when u get saved. All my sins/old places you hung out
Perhaps she thought it would hinder her. Lay aside every weight that so easily besets you.
Perhaps she thought Jesus had need of it. You become a giver.
Perhaps she took the whole well with her.

V-29-30 she was a soul winner.
She testified, a sure sign a sure sign of being saved.

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